


Navigating the complexities of elder care for loved ones can be challenging, and it is a journey that many of us will embark on as our parents or other family members age.

在我们所爱的人身上发现衰退的迹象总是很难的, 为他们做出护理决定往往感觉更加困难. 虽然不可能让这个过程完全无痛, 下面的指导应该对你的旅程有用.

Let's dive into seven tips to help make the planning process smoother 和更多的 comprehensive when it comes to caring for your elderly loved ones.


Many elders tend to avoid conversations about their future care needs, which makes it crucial to address the topic as early as possible. Doing so from a place of love and support before urgent needs arise can help the entire family get on board with a coherent plan.

还记得, 由于高需求,许多社区可能有很长的等待名单, 所以早做计划确实是有益的.



Understanding the specific needs of your elder loved one is key. Identifying "Activities of daily living" (ADLs) that they may struggle with can be a good gauge of the level and type of assistance they might require.

例如, elders with physical limitations may need help with personal care activities like bathing or dressing, while those experiencing cognitive decline may require assistance with transportation, 资金管理, 和家政. Recognizing these needs can help them stay independent for as long as possible and ensure cost-effectiveness.


照顾老人可能很昂贵. 因此, 确定可用的财务资源-收入, 投资, 长期护理政策, 保险, 好处, 等.— can give an idea of what your aging parents or loved ones can afford.

尽管全国护理统计数据提供了一个总体概况, 放置的实际成本可能因位置而异, 护理水平, 设施类型, 定价结构, 和更多的.


不同家庭对护理的期望差异很大. It's critical to communicate clearly what you can and cannot contribute, 无论是时间还是资源.

尽管这样的对话很有挑战性, especially if your family's expectations differ from your capacity, establishing clear boundaries and responsibilities can create clarity about the services your loved ones will need.


有很多方法可以帮助你爱的人优雅地老去. Gaining knowledge about various services and facilities that fit within their resources can enable you to assist them in making informed decisions.

Sometimes, home renovations and local support are enough to support aging-in-place. In other cases, a move to a care community might provide the necessary support for elders to thrive.


Many facilities operate with a waitlist so it may be challenging to quickly find a placement when the time comes to move.

早点开始有帮助. 请求推荐, 一起参观设施(如果他们愿意的话), and becoming informed about how each community works can help you all understand the process.

When you’ve identified a place you may be able to place a deposit to get on the waitlist, 给他们一个选择,当它开放时接受一个位置.



If you're confronted with the need to arrange care for your parents or elders, 不要犹豫寻求帮助.

A financial advisor can act as a sounding board and provide an outside perspective to help your family navigate the emotions and decisions involved in elder care.

It's important to have someone in your corner who can help you understand your options and connect you with any necessary legal advice.

As you help your loved ones navigate the process of elder care, remember that support is available.

This content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information provided is not written or intended as tax or legal advice and may not be relied on for purposes of avoiding any Federal tax penalties. Individuals are encouraged to seek advice from their own tax or legal counsel. Individuals involved in the estate planning process should work with an estate planning team, 包括他们自己的私人法律或税务顾问. Neither the information presented nor any opinion expressed constitutes a representation by us of a specific investment or the purchase or sale of any securities. Asset allocation and diversification do not ensure a profit or protect against loss in declining markets. This material was developed and produced by Advisor Websites to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. 版权所有2023顾问网站.